

267 Uppsatser om Aftermarket logistics - Sida 1 av 18

Utformning av ett performance management-system : Fo?r ma?tning av prestationer inom Rottne industris reservdelslager

Bakgrund: Rottne industri a?r ett fo?retag som tillverkar skogsmaskiner, na?rmare besta?mt sko?rdare och skotare. En viktig del av fo?retagets strategi i dagsla?get grundar pa? att bedriva en genero?s reservdelsverksamhet ut mot kunder. Reservdelsverksamheten har vuxit och blivit en konkurrensfo?rdel fo?r Rottne industri.

Hur underprissättning påverkar efterföljande prestation

This thesis examines underpricing and the long run performance of IPO firms on the Swedish equity market during 1994-2010. We further investigate whether any correlation exist between underpricing and post-IPO performance during 36 months. We use a sample of 80 IPO firms. To examine the aftermarket performance we compare total return of each firm with a matching industry index. In order to strengthen our analysis, we run a second test, comparing actual return for each firm with expected return, adjusted for firm specific risk.

Long-Term performance of Swedish IPOs - 1990-2002

We have performed a study much similar to Ritter?s (1991) about long-term aftermarket performance of IPOs on the Swedish market during the years 1990 to 2002. The study resulted in evidence for that Swedish IPO do underperforms their benchmark-portfolios during a 36-months period. Though, the grade of underperformance depends of the chosen benchmark. The study is mainly focused on a particular benchmark, a portfolio of non-issuing firms matched by size and sector.

Gemensamma mentala modeller kring teknik : - en fallstudie av tekniksyn på ett IT-tjänstföretag

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Informationsflöden inom mobila-stationära organisationer

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Vattenlogistik vid stubbehandling i slutavverkning

Water logistics has long been a problem in order to effectively carry out stump treatment in both thinning and final felling. It is important that the stump treatment? equipment is configured as well as a sufficient amount of water is carried out on the harvester to get a cost? effective treatment. The flow control of the equipment has improved and water can be dispensed more efficient, but still the amount of water on the machine is a crucial factor in the total cost estimate. The knowledge of the tools available to bring water as well as the internal logistics of loading and transport to the felling site is deficient. Increased focus on "smart" solutions to manage water cost is of great importance in order to combat Hetrobasidion spp in both thinning and final felling. The purpose of the study is to describe and summarize different solutions of water logistics at stump treatment in final felling.

Dödshjälp i dagspressen : En analys av dagspressens rapportering om Kims öde

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Flerpartslogistik med fokus på rutter, fyllnadsgrad och miljö

The globalization has increased the trade between different places and countries. Products are now available from all over the world, but this requires transports that have consequences in the environment as well as the economy. New professions are creates that do formality, organize, administrate and implement other businesses transports. Their operations are between the business and customer and they are called logistics companies. The purpose of this report was to study third-party logistics and why more and more companies use this logistics services.

High-rise buildings; structural design, prefabrication and logistics

In the report we have investigated four high-rise buildings with the intentions to find out witch parts are prefabricated and what relation can be found between structural design, prefabrication and the logistics. After the investigation we noticed that the grad of prefabrication in each one of the projects is good in relation to what purpose the building have and the given background. During the report we found that layout ? structural design ? prefabrication ? logistics is an order that we think can make the production of the building more effective if followed. We believe that the prefabrication of high-rise buildings have potential to grow and get more optimized in the future..

Kvalitetsbristkostnader: En kvalitetskostnadsuppföljning för produktion och eftermarknad. : En fallstudie vid Huddig AB

All companies wants? to be as profitable as possible. The company in question is one of the leaders in it´s field in Sweden. In order to increase profits as much as possible it is important to identify and eliminate eventual quality defect cost as far as possible.This study was performed in Huddig AB, and the purpose of this study is to try to develop a routine for monitoring the quality defect costs, and to improve communication and create feedback between production and aftermarket.In addition to an extensive literature review on quality defect costs most of the work have been conducted at the company. Own observations and interviews have been done with the staff to get a picture of the current situation and to try to come up with improvement proposals.During the study it was proved that much of the quality defect costs in essence, derived from the production, which is seen as positive because it is the easiest part of the company to improve.

Processförbättringar i ett reservdelslager inom bilindustrin 

Examensarbetet är utfört vid Volkswagen Parts Logistics i Nykvarn. Företaget är ett reservdelslager för Volkswagen Groups bilmärken på de svenska, finska, baltiska och norska marknaderna.Examensarbetets syfte är att ge förslag som förbättrar produktiviteten och förbättra arbetsförhållandena, med bibehållen eller ökad kvalitet på två avdelningar i lagret: Parts Logistics Pallgods och Parts Logistics Avgåendegods. Förändringsförslagen är, eftersom lagret är nybyggt (2006), fokuserade på hur processerna i sig kan förbättras utan ombyggnationer och investeringar.Examensarbetet är utfört genom att aktivt arbeta i processerna på de två avdelningarna för att sedan analysera dessa med hjälp av en litteraturstudie och diskussioner med de anställda. Dessutom har två studiebesök gjorts för att få inspiration till olika arbetssätt: Clas Ohlsons centrallager i Insjön och Møller Logistikk, som motsvarar Volkswagen Parts Logistics på den norska marknaden.Inom de tre olika områden där förbättringsmöjligheter identifierades har jag presenterat följande förslag och potentiella effekter..

Leveranslogistik på byggarbetsplatsen

Problem: How do delivery logistics work in practice at the building site? Where are the big problems? How to make building logistics more effective? Do the site management and the haulers agree about questions concerning both parties? What is possible to gain by using better logistics? Is it possible to gain time with better logistics and by that reducing the costs? Purpose and aim: The purpose is to discover if there are any disagreements between the site management and the haulers. If disagreements occur they will be examined and probable measures based on the problems will be suggested. Another intention is to bring key ratios concerning time spent for deliveries forward. One aim is to update a similar report made in 1972.

Effektivisering av logistiklösningar : En jämförelse av nya och gamla logistiksystem vid ROT-projekt

A persistent problem in the construction industry is its low margins of profit. It is often difficult to earn money due to low efficiency and high costs. Logistics on the construction site answers for a large amount of these costs and it is therefore of interest to find new, more efficient logistic solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to compare two different logistic systems and further to evaluate which one that is the most efficient and profitable. A comparison is made between the traditional logistic systems used for years and a new logistic system developed by an industry association called BEAst.

Analys av returprocessen på Schenker Logistics AB

Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Schenker Logistics AB där målsättningen har varit att analysera den nuvarande returprocessen och därefter presentera eventuella förbättringsförslag.Den information som ligger till grund för resultatet av detta arbete har införskaffats via observationer och intervjuer med de personer som arbetar i returprocessen.Analysen som utfördes resulterade i att ett flertal brister kunde identifieras i returprocessen. Alla dessa brister bidrog till att komplikationer uppstod vid returhanteringen av gods på Schenker Logistics AB. Några exempel på brister som identifierades är att gods som var i godkänt fysiskt skick, returnerades till Schenker Logistics AB utan angiven orsak till returleveransen. Dessutom dokumenterades inte skadeorsaker hos någon part i försörjningskedjan, vilket bidrog till att Schenker Logistics AB var ovetande om skadans uppkomst samt vem/vad som bidrog till att skadan uppstod. Ytterligare brister som kunde identifieras i returprocessen är att fraktsedlar med ett specifikt nummer ofta försvann, fraktsedlar som är synnerligen viktiga för att Schenker Logistics AB ska kunna hantera returgodset.

Logistik i byggbranschen : Fo?r fo?rba?ttrad arbetsmiljo? och effektivitet

Logistics and supply chain management in the construction sector is an area with great potential for improvements. Today, a lot of the workers time is spent on non-value adding activities. Research has shown that waste is a large proportion of the total production cost in building projects today.The purpose of this report is to analyze problems concerning logistics in the construction sector. Two of Skanska?s construction projects in Uppsala have been analyzed to identify problems.

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